Our Services
ABA Therapy
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy is the most effective, research-backed treatment for children with autism. We evaluate your child’s behavior and skill needs then develop and implement a treatment plan to guide your child’s healthy development.
Parent Consultations & Training
At Foundations, we value parent involvement and understand the importance of collaborating as a team. Parents are involved every step of the way with weekly parent meetings to review your child’s progress and encourage generalization of skills.
Functional Behavior Assessments
A functional behavior assessment is a collection of data used to analyze your child’s behavior. We understand that at the root of meaningful behavior change is figuring out the function of the behavior. The FBA is used to create a plan for the improvement of challenging behaviors.
School District Consultations & Staff Training
Schools can benefit from professional guidance on managing behaviors and guiding the skill development of children with autism. We provide behavior training for teachers, paraprofessionals, and administrators